This is the perfect time slot to take your third shift to the next level. Banging tracks that you can't hear during the day just jammin never the less. Join us while you on the road and turn the radio off!
closeMidday Remix takes the best of songs you know or remember and mashes them together with songs that take lunch to a whole new level. The mix in these beats leaves an after-taste that will have you pumped for the afternoon workload.
closeOffice Drive (AM) with DJ Roxy kicks off the work day with Ladies first getting productive and rhythmic R&B and Smooth Hip-Hop Hits. Join DJ Roxy weekdays from 9 am to 12 Noon.
closeEvening Ride w/Terry Strong takes you through dinner and into the evening with the Best Hip-Hop and R&B during the All Request Hour and What's Up #WhereU@
closeHot 9 @ 9 pm is the daily countdown show where our listeners select the top 9 song of the day on from the i108.1 iOS and Android App. Cast your vote and you could win!
closeGet In-die Rotation™ is our signature Independent and Unsigned Artist Show designed to engage listeners and give them a change to vote on What's Bangin' and What's Not. Download the i108.1 App from the App Store or Google Play Today and Vote!
closeTo Listen Live click the “Listen Live” button on the Main Menu up top toward the right side of the page or…
If you haven’t already done so, DOWNLOAD the i108.1 app from the App Store or Google Play Now![/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][vc_column_text]
i108.1 Hip-Hop and R&B Stream Demographics
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Current Show On Air
Current Track Playing
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Recently Playing Songs
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Hip-Hop and R&B Requests
[/vc_column_text][vc_raw_html]JTNDJTJGJTIwYnIlM0UlMEElM0NkaXYlMjBhbGlnbiUzRCUyMmNlbnRlciUyMiUzRSUzQ3NjcmlwdCUyMHNyYyUzRCUyMmh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGZW1iZWQucmFkaW8uY28lMkZyZXF1ZXN0JTJGdzcwNTE2MjIuanMlMjIlM0UlM0MlMkZzY3JpcHQlM0UlM0MlMkZkaXYlM0U=[/vc_raw_html][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row qt_container=”true”][vc_column][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row qt_container=”true”][vc_column]
This is the perfect time slot to take your third shift to the next level. Banging tracks that you can't hear during the day just jammin never the less. Join us while you on the road and turn the radio off!
closeMidday Remix takes the best of songs you know or remember and mashes them together with songs that take lunch to a whole new level. The mix in these beats leaves an after-taste that will have you pumped for the afternoon workload.
closeOffice Drive (AM) with DJ Roxy kicks off the work day with Ladies first getting productive and rhythmic R&B and Smooth Hip-Hop Hits. Join DJ Roxy weekdays from 9 am to 12 Noon.
closeEvening Ride w/Terry Strong takes you through dinner and into the evening with the Best Hip-Hop and R&B during the All Request Hour and What's Up #WhereU@
closeHot 9 @ 9 pm is the daily countdown show where our listeners select the top 9 song of the day on from the i108.1 iOS and Android App. Cast your vote and you could win!
closeGet In-die Rotation™ is our signature Independent and Unsigned Artist Show designed to engage listeners and give them a change to vote on What's Bangin' and What's Not. Download the i108.1 App from the App Store or Google Play Today and Vote!
closeThis is the perfect time slot to take your third shift to the next level. Banging tracks that you can't hear during the day just jammin never the less. Join us while you on the road and turn the radio off!
closeMidday Remix takes the best of songs you know or remember and mashes them together with songs that take lunch to a whole new level. The mix in these beats leaves an after-taste that will have you pumped for the afternoon workload.
closeOffice Drive (AM) with DJ Roxy kicks off the work day with Ladies first getting productive and rhythmic R&B and Smooth Hip-Hop Hits. Join DJ Roxy weekdays from 9 am to 12 Noon.
closeEvening Ride w/Terry Strong takes you through dinner and into the evening with the Best Hip-Hop and R&B during the All Request Hour and What's Up #WhereU@
closeHot 9 @ 9 pm is the daily countdown show where our listeners select the top 9 song of the day on from the i108.1 iOS and Android App. Cast your vote and you could win!
closeGet In-die Rotation™ is our signature Independent and Unsigned Artist Show designed to engage listeners and give them a change to vote on What's Bangin' and What's Not. Download the i108.1 App from the App Store or Google Play Today and Vote!
closeThis is the perfect time slot to take your third shift to the next level. Banging tracks that you can't hear during the day just jammin never the less. Join us while you on the road and turn the radio off!
closeMidday Remix takes the best of songs you know or remember and mashes them together with songs that take lunch to a whole new level. The mix in these beats leaves an after-taste that will have you pumped for the afternoon workload.
closeOffice Drive (AM) with DJ Roxy kicks off the work day with Ladies first getting productive and rhythmic R&B and Smooth Hip-Hop Hits. Join DJ Roxy weekdays from 9 am to 12 Noon.
closeEvening Ride w/Terry Strong takes you through dinner and into the evening with the Best Hip-Hop and R&B during the All Request Hour and What's Up #WhereU@
closeHot 9 @ 9 pm is the daily countdown show where our listeners select the top 9 song of the day on from the i108.1 iOS and Android App. Cast your vote and you could win!
closeGet In-die Rotation™ is our signature Independent and Unsigned Artist Show designed to engage listeners and give them a change to vote on What's Bangin' and What's Not. Download the i108.1 App from the App Store or Google Play Today and Vote!
closeThis is the perfect time slot to take your third shift to the next level. Banging tracks that you can't hear during the day just jammin never the less. Join us while you on the road and turn the radio off!
closeMidday Remix takes the best of songs you know or remember and mashes them together with songs that take lunch to a whole new level. The mix in these beats leaves an after-taste that will have you pumped for the afternoon workload.
closeOffice Drive (AM) with DJ Roxy kicks off the work day with Ladies first getting productive and rhythmic R&B and Smooth Hip-Hop Hits. Join DJ Roxy weekdays from 9 am to 12 Noon.
closeEvening Ride w/Terry Strong takes you through dinner and into the evening with the Best Hip-Hop and R&B during the All Request Hour and What's Up #WhereU@
closeHot 9 @ 9 pm is the daily countdown show where our listeners select the top 9 song of the day on from the i108.1 iOS and Android App. Cast your vote and you could win!
closeGet In-die Rotation™ is our signature Independent and Unsigned Artist Show designed to engage listeners and give them a change to vote on What's Bangin' and What's Not. Download the i108.1 App from the App Store or Google Play Today and Vote!
closeThis is the perfect time slot to take your third shift to the next level. Banging tracks that you can't hear during the day just jammin never the less. Join us while you on the road and turn the radio off!
closeMidday Remix takes the best of songs you know or remember and mashes them together with songs that take lunch to a whole new level. The mix in these beats leaves an after-taste that will have you pumped for the afternoon workload.
closeOffice Drive (AM) with DJ Roxy kicks off the work day with Ladies first getting productive and rhythmic R&B and Smooth Hip-Hop Hits. Join DJ Roxy weekdays from 9 am to 12 Noon.
closeEvening Ride w/Terry Strong takes you through dinner and into the evening with the Best Hip-Hop and R&B during the All Request Hour and What's Up #WhereU@
closeHot 9 @ 9 pm is the daily countdown show where our listeners select the top 9 song of the day on from the i108.1 iOS and Android App. Cast your vote and you could win!
closeGet In-die Rotation™ is our signature Independent and Unsigned Artist Show designed to engage listeners and give them a change to vote on What's Bangin' and What's Not. Download the i108.1 App from the App Store or Google Play Today and Vote!
closeThis is the perfect time slot to take your third shift to the next level. Banging tracks that you can't hear during the day just jammin never the less. Join us while you on the road and turn the radio off!
closeMidday Remix takes the best of songs you know or remember and mashes them together with songs that take lunch to a whole new level. The mix in these beats leaves an after-taste that will have you pumped for the afternoon workload.
closeStreaming Hip-Hop Saturdays
closeFor every Show page the timetable is auomatically generated from the schedule, and you can set automatic carousels of Podcasts, Articles and Charts by simply choosing a category.
closeFor every Show page the timetable is auomatically generated from the schedule, and you can set automatic carousels of Podcasts, Articles and Charts by simply choosing a category.
closeWake Up with i108.1 is designed to get you up and off to school and work. Starts off mellow and picks up the tempo and to take you out the door and on your way.
closeMidday Remix takes the best of songs you know or remember and mashes them together with songs that take lunch to a whole new level. The mix in these beats leaves an after-taste that will have you pumped for the afternoon workload.
closeGet In-die Rotation™ is our signature Independent and Unsigned Artist Show designed to engage listeners and give them a change to vote on What's Bangin' and What's Not. Download the i108.1 App from the App Store or Google Play Today and Vote!